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My First Post

2 min read

Hello, world!

I’m Jamie. This is the first post of my blog. Or diary. Or personal sales pitch.

I’ve never thought of my opinions or work as being particularly interesting or important. Then a few months ago a friend of mine said “you should write a blog or something” and I was resistant to the idea. But then over the months that followed, it dawned on me that all or most of my personal projects were far too ambitious for someone of my attention span.

At some point, I realised that I’d be better off making something that’s modular and low-commitment while giving me the opportunity to showcase some of my work and my ideas. Something like a blog!

Now I’m finally putting pen to paper (in a strictly metaphorical sense) and putting my thoughts out there for the world to see! Or maybe just you. We’ll see.

So, what’s the point of this blog? I’ve not decided yet. I can tell you now that my interests include physics, ai, deep learning, gaming, and philosophy (among others) so if you make it past the first post (!), don’t be surprised if that’s the sort of thing you find.

The general idea is, if I stumble upon an idea that no-one’s written much about, and I think it’s worthy of a blog post, then, that’s what I’ll make of it. I’ll also share some of my personal projects if I think they’re interesting enough.

So, if your interests in any way overlap with the above, stay tuned! And expect regular changes to the look/layout/structure of the site, since I’m working from a template that I’m keen to tinker with at some point. I hope you find something here that interests you.

If pondering the big questions like “why does time exist” and “what are the limits of artificial intelligence” aren’t your thing, then no worries. You might still find something random and off-topic that catches your eye. Or you might not. Either way, you’ve made it this far.

I’m running out of steam for this post so I’ll wrap it up here.

Take care!


Originally published on by Jamie